Mike Boychuk Obituary, Edmonton Community Leader Dies

Mike Boychuk Obituary, Edmonton Community Leader Dies: This is to inform you that Mike Boychuk who was a leader of the Edmonton community, passed away unexpectedly and untimely on September 1, 2023. We are saddened to convey the news of Mike Boychuk’s death but we are obligated to it. Reports have suggested that this shocking news was shared by Rakhi Pancholi, an MLA for Edmonton-Whitemud. She appealed to people to gather tonight with Oak Hills Community League to commemorate Mike Boychuk’s life and legacy. What happened to him or how did he die? If this question is prevailing in your mind, take a look below. Also, read Mike Boychuk Obituary.

Mike Boychuk Obituary, Edmonton Community Leader Dies

When did Mike Boychuk die?

The heartbreaking happening of Mike Boychuk’s departure happened on September 1, 2023. Rakhi Pancholi said, ” On September 1st, our community lost a great leader and a big dreamer. Mike Boychuk was a community-builder in every sense of the term. He drew people in and brought people together with his big energy and passion.

How did Mike Boychuk die?

According to some reports, the builder and leader of the Edmonton Community, Mike Boychuk passed away while driving his bike in Invermere, British Columbia. Reportedly, Mike Boychuk suffered a fatal heart attack in British Columbia. Hence, it can be concluded that Mike Boychuk’s cause of death was a heart attack.

Mike Boychuk Obituary

Mike Boychuk is survived by his wife and children. He was a person who was always seen with a wide smile. Edmonton-Whitemud MLA described him as “he would put in the hours to literally build the things he cared about – he was always the first one out there doing neighborhood clean-up and painting fences. And his big vision inspired so many to get together to build a community hub – a place where all could gather.” Our heartfelt condolences are with the Boychuk family during this time.

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