Celene Edwards Grenada Obituary: Attorney Celene Edwards Found Dead After Suicide

Celene Edwards Grenada Obituary: Attorney Celene Edwards Found Dead After Suicide- We are informing this news from our deepest hearts and with great sorrow that Calene Edwards has passed away. Reportedly, Calen’s death was linked apparently to suicide. Yes, you heard right a famous Grenada Lawyer and Grenada Hugh Wooding Law School Alumni passed away due to committing suicide. There is a post that was released by the daughter of the late Celia Clyne-Edwards QC on Thursday. Learn more about Calene Edward down below. Kindly read this article to grab this report.

Celene Edwards Grenada Obituary: Attorney Celene Edwards Found Dead After Suicide

Celene Edwards Grenada

“May your soul rest peacefully. You were a great man, you helped a lot of people through your knowledge. You are still in our hearts, you’re with your mother heaven now. may God provide you peace. We will keep you in our prayers. You will be an inspirational lawyer for us. All prayers and condolences go to Edward’s family.”

The family and friends provide information that Calene’s body was found in a tree located inside her house where she hung herself near the Southern Golf Course area. The authority claimed that she must have hung herself for hours before being discovered by someone. The report says that Celene’s body was discovered the next day morning after being hung.

Celene Edward also known as Celia Clyne-Edwards QC was a talented advocate and true patriot. Reportedly, she passed away on 28th April. Her death was deeply felt by her colleagues, friends, and her loved ones. Her death deeply touched the Organization of Commonwealth Caribbean Bar Association (OCCBA) and the OECS Bar Association. Celene was so passionate to be a successful Advocate as she spent her 38 years practicing law. Despite of career advocate, she also raised four children. She has been living a good successful life. On April 28th, 2022, she ended her life at the age of 65.

Celene Edwards Obituary

Celene followed in her father’s footsteps. Calene’s father also was a lawyer, George E.D. Clyne. Celene marked her journey when she earned a Juries Docter from the University of West Indies, She also earned her legal education certificate from Hugh Wooding Law School.

The family of Celene Edward will release an obituary and funeral service soon. She was a wonderful woman who spent her life helping others through her knowledge of the law. She will be missed greatly. Rest in Peace.


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