Jennifer Wolff Puerto Rico Obituary: Former Jouralist Died At 62

In a somber announcement made via Jennifer Wolff Conde’s personal Facebook account, the family of the former journalist and accomplished historian confirmed her passing on Tuesday at her residence in Spain. Jennifer, aged 62, had been battling metastatic cancer for the past year, ultimately succumbing to the illness despite her courageous fight.

Jennifer Wolff Puerto Rico Obituary

Jennifer Wolff Puerto Rico

Daisy Sánchez, a fellow journalist and friend, also shared the news on social media, expressing her grief over the loss. “Jeniffer Wolff, another partner who’s leaving us because of cancer. Rest in peace. It’s just that they’re many and then,” wrote Sánchez, reflecting the profound impact of cancer on the lives of those in the journalistic community.

Jennifer Wolff was a prominent figure in Puerto Rican media for many years, known for her investigative journalism and as a news anchor on WKAQ-TV, WAPA-TV, and WLII-TV. She covered a wide array of topics, including government, politics, and hard news, and her work extended beyond the shores of Puerto Rico to international assignments in Somalia, Kuwait, Bolivia, and Cuba.

Transitioning from journalism to academia, Wolff earned a doctorate in History from the University of Puerto Rico. She went on to publish several groundbreaking historiographic works focusing on indigenous slavery, Portuguese slave networks, Caribbean circuits in the resale of African slaves, and the Dutch geographical imaginary over the Hispanic Caribbean.

Jennifer Wolff’s contributions to historical research extended to her role as the director of the Policy Office of the Center for the New Economy in Madrid. Her passion for history culminated in the release of her first book, *Atlantic Island: Puerto Rico, smuggling Antillean circuits, and the formation of the Atlantic World, 1580-1636*, in October 2022.

Reflecting on the completion of her book during an interview with Metro Puerto Rico, Wolff said, “Five years ago I left Puerto Rico for the archives of Spain, with only a suitcase and this research in the ink. Today I bring back to Puerto Rico the project completed and published by a prestigious publishing house in Spain. It makes me excited that *Atlantic Island* contributes to rescuing the memory of an underworked period, and that at the same time it will help give Puerto Rico greater visibility off the island.”

Jennifer Wolff leaves behind a lasting legacy in both journalism and historical research. Her dedication to truth-seeking, whether through the lens of a journalist or the meticulous research of a historian, will be remembered and celebrated by those whose lives she touched. The journalistic and academic communities mourn the loss of a talented individual who contributed significantly to Puerto Rican history and global understanding.

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