How did PC Boardman die? West Mercia Police Officer Andy Boardman Died

How did PC Boardman die? West Mercia Police Officer Andy Boardman Died: A policeman died while doing his duty, named PC Andy Boardman. He passed suddenly in Shropshire. PC was suffering ill for many days. Andy was 43 years old, he collapsed while doing his duty on Tuesday afternoon.PC Boardman had been part of the police force for eight years after joining West Midlands Police, Boardman began his career in 2007, and he was a passionate man about his career and a great man. His sudden death shocked the entire police community.

How did PC Boardman die? West Mercia Police Officer Andy Boardman Died

How did PC Boardman die?

PC Boardman’s death has stunned his family and close ones. Chief Constable Pupa Mills tribute to his death and said this event was terrible for the entire team force, our thoughts of all of us at West Mercia Police, are with his wife, Luck, his daughter, and all his family, friends, and colleagues. The police department was saying that we are going out flags in the respect of PC Boardman.

There is the West Midlands Ambulance Service which took PC Boardman when he was ill. His family thanked paramedics from Midlands Ambulance Service who did their best possible thing to save Andy. During their time working with West Mercia Police, PC Broadman was also working with Kidder Minister and Stout Port. In the recent time, Andy joined the Neighbourhood team for Broadly and Much we block.

PC Andy Boardman Obituary

His family thanked every individual, who helped and sent kind and supportive messages in memory of her husband’s death. Est Mercia’s Police and Crime Commissioner John Campion said: it was heartbreaking to hear about the death of PC Andy Boardman. He was a great person who always support me during work time. We are remembering the moments which had spent with Andy. My thoughts are PC Andy’s family in this difficult time, I also thanked the paramedics to show their best effort to save Boardman.

West Mercia Police declared his death and also cleared that his death did not connect to any crime, it was all natural. Rest in peace PC Andy Boardman. Andy was a prominent policeman, time punctual man who was admirable, He always did his job sincerely. Rest In Peace again this prominent soul, Andy Boardman

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